Friday 18 March 2011

Mr Mischief

It seems Hugo is growing much faster than we expected. The little hooligan is quickly increasing in size due to his increase in appetite which also leads to an increase in energy which results in more destruction and some naughty habits.

First of all, he has discovered a new game quite literally named 'lets-wait-for-mummy-to-put-on-new-socks-and-rip-them'. This game was picked up from his holiday and it looks like its here to stay, so as a result the cat has to be escorted out of sight while the socks are rushed on followed by a big pair of house slippers. These are the challenges he makes us face in the morning so we can be prepared for whatever else our day might bring.

Hugo has also reached another milestone in his growth, he can now successfully jump onto a windowsill!! (from the sofa). With a little help and training from dad he finally conquered the prime sunbathing location, an achievement he was oh-so proud of, as he danced with joy by the mosque. He has NOT learnt that chasing his tail on the windowsill leads to a fall. I'm sure these are lessons he will pick up in time.

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