Sunday, 6 March 2011

Party time!

Friday marked the start of the weekend birthday celebrations. After some morning kisses Hugo continued working hard at what he does best... relaxing. That was until we came home. After a lovely evening of dinner we invited our friends round to meet our famous new addition. He took full advantage of the attention and decided to act like a total lunatic. His jumping skills have definately improved (reaching waist level) and has started braving tricks like weaving through the banister (his daddy is not impressed). 

However he must've exhausted every ounce of energy in his tiny little body as Saturday was spent asleep. Whilst his mum and dad cleaned the house from top to bottom, he took solace in a pile of Laundry. We then had the family round for tea where he quickly adopted Aunty Clare as his bed and crashed out for the night, amidst all the hustle and bustle of a younus-patel meal. 

Now, as we prepare to get on the road to London, Hugo is having his final psycho runs around the house before he goes on his mini break. His bags are packed, his food is measured and the monkey... is still in his mouth. All that remains is to put him in his carrier and deal with a car trip of earache.

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